DC Switchgear
Entec's DC Switchgear(ETGR21, ETGR22) is designed for the application in DC Traction Power System of both 900V DC and 1800V DC. The rated current can be 4000A and 6000A for various system voltage levels, and they can also be utilized in heavy DC Application.
All the main components, such as High-Speed Circuit Breaker(HSCB), Protection Relay and Disconnection Switch, are manufactured by Entec so that the system stability can be ensured.
Metal Clad DC Switchgear is self-standing and designed to be used for decades. Its insulators are carefully designed and applied to provide enough insulating distance. Non-metal sheets are also used in DC Switchgear as separators to protect any metal parts from a spewed-out arc.
ETCPU200 with its associated HMI is the standard interface with DC Switchgear. This protection relay complies with IEC standards and provides various protection functions to correspond to DC Traction Power System.
The DC Switchgear has been fully type tested by accredited laboratories such as KERI and IPH according to the international standard IEC 61992.
Advanced Reliability of Operation
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- 40,000 times of operation guaranteed
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- Remote and local operation available via SCADA system
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- Manual closing device(DC HSCB)
ㆍ HSCB trip under emergency
ㆍ Must performed only when the HSCB is inserted/drawn out
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- Manual Close/Open(DC DS)
ㆍ Opening/Closing of Disconnection Switch(DS) without power supply
Safe and Convenient Design
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- Withdrawable HSCB truck for easy maintenance
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- Spewed-out arc protection by non-metal separator
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- Strong cubicle structure by welding each part
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- Compactly sized and easy installation
Other Technical Features
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- Outstanding arc quenching performance by Blow Coil design
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- Straightforward status display by open/close indicator, status lamp, mimic diagram
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- Fast information retrieving from HMI such as line voltage, current, thermal condition
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- System setting customizable by both HMI and software
Reference project